Britney Spears Looks Old

Britney Spears is on the cover of Cosmopolitian this month. If memory serves me correctly, this is her sixth appearance on the cover of this magazine.

The thing that really struck me about this magazine cover when I saw is that Britney Spears looked really old in this photograph, especially her face. Her smile lines are much more pronounced here. Also, her widow's peak is much  more noticeable than in other photographs.

Britney Spears Looks Old on Cosmo

If I didn't know better, I would swear Britney Spears was in early 40s just from looking at this photo. In reality, though, she's only 28.

Life does not appear to be treating Britney Spears very well. I almost shudder to think what she'll look like in another five or ten more years.


Partying and stress will do it to ya....Considering what she looked like a year or so ago, this ain't too bad....
I agree with the wordy one. Besides, she's got access to a whole lot of money. Don't know how much is plastic already, but when looks are what you base your career on, surgery can do a lot.

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