
Showing posts from December, 2011

My Thought for Christmas Day

When Santa Claus brings you coal, you may as well have a bar-barque. This, my friends, is the up-side to being on Santa's "Naughty List" every year.

Merry Christmas Everyone

I want to take a moment to wish a very merry Christmas to everyone who takes the time to read my blog. I enjoy being a small part of your life and look forward to more in 2012. Merry Christmas everyone!

Big Trouble for Speaker Boehner

Only 11 more days until Speaker John Boehner causes a tax hike for every working American. With an 11% approval rating, how will he be able to afford his spray on tan once he's voted out of office?

Courtney Stodden Makes Her Case for Nice List

Courtney Stodden Looks Both Naughty and Nice Courtney Stodden posed for a series of photos with her husband, Doug Hutchinson , which almost make one forget that she is only 17 years old and her husband is 51. She looks quite naughty in her metallic red bikini. Her husband is almost completely hidden by the Santa Claus costume. Yes, I almost forgot about the 34 year age difference between Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson. Almost. One can see more of Courtney Stodden's photos with husband Doug Hutchinson here .

Every Time a Bell Rings...

It's a little known fact that every time you hear a bell ring, it means that another 19 year old single mom has learned to pole dance. Knowledge, my friends, is power.

Are You SURE Lindsay Lohan is Only 25 Years Old?

Lindsay Lohan - 40+ Lindsay Lohan's photo shoot with Playboy has found its way on-line . She was supposedly trying to recreate Marilyn Monroe's last known photo shoot. Someone told her that this would revive her career. Unfortunately, no one told her to look in the mirror. Looking at this woman in the Playboy photos, I can't believe that she's only 25 years old. If I didn't know better, I would swear that Lindsay Lohan was in her 40s. The calender says Lindsay Lohan is only 25 years old, but the Playboy photos say she is at least 40.

An Amazing "Drummer Boy"

I am falling in love with Sean Quigley's  version Little Drummer Boy . It has a strong rock and roll influence, but maintains the timeless quality of the original carol. I'm amazed that this video was created by a 16 year old high school student from Winnipeg, Canada.

Herman Cain Won't Give Anymore Gifts

Herman Cain has suspended his campaign for the White House. However, I'm sure that we will hear a lot more from in the months to follow and, for this, I am thankful. The man makes Christmas come every day for liberals.