Bush and Lincoln???
Thomas Bray wrote a column for this morning's Detroit News in which he argued that there were some significant paralells between President Abraham Lincoln's handling of the Civil War and President George W. Bush's prosecution of the War in Iraq. You can read his column here . I wrote the following response to Mr. Bray: Dear Mr. Bray: I read your piece in this morning’s Detroit News in which you compared President George W. Bush’s experience in Iraq with President Abraham Lincoln’s prosecution of the Civil War. Your argument was, in my opinion, one of the stupidest pieces of commentary in the entire history of the English language. You simply ignored one of the most fundamental differences between Lincoln in the Civil War and Bush in Iraq . Lincoln had a fairly well-defined reason for going to war in the first place. Yes, he originally stated that he wanted to keep slavery from spreading only to emancipate all slaves two years later as you pointed...