I was browsing through the comments that were left by others to Mitch Albom's column today. One of them really struck me. Here it is, along with my replies.

Bush is a true leader....by: mazenbluman (44/M/Lakeland/ Hamburg MI) 11/03/04 10:37 am
Msg: 5 of 54
1 recommendation

Weather you like it or not....mitch ought to change his name to bitch, because thats all he did during the campaign(about W that is). kerry was a fraud and now all you union whiners, village idiots and morons who were stupid enough to vote for an American hating communist will have to wait 4 more years!

Re: Bush is a true leader....
by: JS_Frank (33/M/Detroit, MI) 11/03/04 08:33 pm
Msg: 53 of 54

Yes, George W. Bush is a true leader. The problem is that he always insists on trying to lead in the wrong direction.

Re: Bush is a true leader....
by: JS_Frank (33/M/Detroit, MI) 11/03/04 08:45 pm
Msg: 54 of 54

By the way, I can't help but feel it's ironic that you called John Kerry "an American hating communist." The fact is the crap that comes out of Senator Kerry's ass every morning has more patriotism in than the entire GOP.

He wasn't the one who sat back and went on vacation when the CIA warned, during the summer of 2001, that bin Laden was determined to attack inside the U.S.

He wasn't the one who allowed bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora.

He wasn't responsible for a set of security breaches that enabled the Iraqi insurgents to steal almost 400 tons of explosives.

No one on his staff ever compromised the identity of a CIA operative on the NOC list.

He wasn't the one who decided to put our efforts against al Qada and its affiliated organizations; diverting our resources to an ill-advised war in Iraq.

He wasn't the one who has so alienated the members of our coalition in Iraq that many of them have already left or have indicated that they soon will leave.

Face it. America would be in a much better position if anyone in the Bush Administration had even 1% of Senator Kerry's integrity, courage and patriotism.


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