My Confession
I have a confession to make.
I'm helping to plan Detroit Synergy's Wooden Anniversary Pub Crawl. It's a great time, having a lot of fun with a couple hundred of your best friends, as we bounce between 8 different bars in one evening. There will be drink specials at each of these bars, of course, and the folks at Hard Rock Cafe are offering free parking for participants.
Like I said, it's a great time. More importantly, this is Detroit Synergy's big fundraiser. The group doesn't charge dues or anything so it relies on pub crawls to keep themselves afloat.
None of this is all that newsworthy - or even worthy of a "confession" per se. Well, here's interesting part.
Some of my Wolverine friends, decided that they didn't want to go because it was the same day that the University of Michigan was playing the University of Notre Dame. I was a bit frustrated by this. I tried to be as accommodating as possible when it came to scheduling the pub crawl. I picked the only day in September when there were no Tiger, Lions or Red Wings games and made sure that there wasn't anything going on at Hart Plaza or Cobo Hall.
However, when the Wolverine fans decided that they didn't want to come to the pub crawl because of Michigan/Notre Dame game, I had to take drastic action in order to make my event a success. I had to sabotage Michigan's entire football season.
I snuck into the Michigan locker room early yesterday morning and put molasses onto the shoes of each player. Not too much, mind you. It was only a dab on the sole of each shoe. If I used any more, they would have noticed for sure. However, and this is the important part, it was just enough to slow the Wolverines down.
The result of this, of course, is already known: Michigan lost to Appalachian State by a score of 34-32. It was, in the opinion of every commentator and Wolverine fan, the most humiliating defeat in the school's history. They lost to a team that most had never even heard, in a game that everyone - and I do mean everyone - expected them to not only win, but to win by a large margin.
And they had this defeat handed to them on their own home field.
Even Mitch Albom is now saying that the Wolverine's season is essentially over. No matter what they do from this point forward, there is no way for them to redeem themselves from a loss this bad.
This, of course, means that those Wolverine fans no longer have an excuse for not coming on the pub crawl. With the season essentially over, none of them really care whether or not they'll beat Notre Dame. Plus, they now have all the more reason to drink.
It was a desperate and completely unfair of me to resort to such a tactic. I readily admit that. However, desperate times really do call for desperate measures.
All I can say is that I hope my Spartan friends don't start using Michigan State's game against Pittsburgh as an excuse for not coming to the pub crawl. I would not relish having to sabotage another team's season just to get more of their fans at this event.
It would be so much easier if everyone simply checked out some of the details for the pub crawl, maybe took a look at photos from a previous pub crawl and then simply registered here for the event. After all, a drink special - or a football season - is a terrible thing to waste.
I'm helping to plan Detroit Synergy's Wooden Anniversary Pub Crawl. It's a great time, having a lot of fun with a couple hundred of your best friends, as we bounce between 8 different bars in one evening. There will be drink specials at each of these bars, of course, and the folks at Hard Rock Cafe are offering free parking for participants.

None of this is all that newsworthy - or even worthy of a "confession" per se. Well, here's interesting part.
Some of my Wolverine friends, decided that they didn't want to go because it was the same day that the University of Michigan was playing the University of Notre Dame. I was a bit frustrated by this. I tried to be as accommodating as possible when it came to scheduling the pub crawl. I picked the only day in September when there were no Tiger, Lions or Red Wings games and made sure that there wasn't anything going on at Hart Plaza or Cobo Hall.
However, when the Wolverine fans decided that they didn't want to come to the pub crawl because of Michigan/Notre Dame game, I had to take drastic action in order to make my event a success. I had to sabotage Michigan's entire football season.
I snuck into the Michigan locker room early yesterday morning and put molasses onto the shoes of each player. Not too much, mind you. It was only a dab on the sole of each shoe. If I used any more, they would have noticed for sure. However, and this is the important part, it was just enough to slow the Wolverines down.

And they had this defeat handed to them on their own home field.
Even Mitch Albom is now saying that the Wolverine's season is essentially over. No matter what they do from this point forward, there is no way for them to redeem themselves from a loss this bad.
This, of course, means that those Wolverine fans no longer have an excuse for not coming on the pub crawl. With the season essentially over, none of them really care whether or not they'll beat Notre Dame. Plus, they now have all the more reason to drink.
It was a desperate and completely unfair of me to resort to such a tactic. I readily admit that. However, desperate times really do call for desperate measures.
All I can say is that I hope my Spartan friends don't start using Michigan State's game against Pittsburgh as an excuse for not coming to the pub crawl. I would not relish having to sabotage another team's season just to get more of their fans at this event.
It would be so much easier if everyone simply checked out some of the details for the pub crawl, maybe took a look at photos from a previous pub crawl and then simply registered here for the event. After all, a drink special - or a football season - is a terrible thing to waste.
I have trouble believing that.