Number 1 with Wiggles
Earlier this week, I discovered that if one types "dating in your 30s" into Google's search engine then I come up as one of the top searches. In fact, as of this morning, this site ranks at number 4 out of approximately 939,000 search returns.
Of course, the really interesting discovery in the whole thing came this morning.
Drum roll, please.
Google also ranks me as number 1 when the search terms are "Jello wrestling Detroit".
I swear, I almost fell out of my chair from laughing so hard when I saw that for the first time. I started this blog as simply a way to share my thoughts on a whole multitude of issues.
Plus, it's nice that friends and family who no longer live in the Detroit area have a convenient way of keeping up with my life that doesn't involve me telling the exact same stories over and over again.
But this Jello wrestling thing really floors me.
It also makes me wonder what would happen if I were to organize a Jello wrestling match (here in Detroit or elsewhere) involving the three female celebrities that I have blogged about in the past year: Jessica Alba, Keira Knightley and Melissa Theuriau. Not only do I wonder what would happen to the traffic on this blog if I were to write about such a match, I also wonder who would win it.
My initial hunch is that Keira Knightley would win this hypothetical match. However, I don't think anyone should discount the other two. Jessica Alba, after all, looked seriously bad ass in each of the Fantastic 4 movies.
Plus, something tells me that Melissa Theuriau wouldn't be a total push over herself. This, of course, would be especially true if this Parisian darling were wrestling in Detroit - the Paris of the Midwest. It would give her a bit of a hometown advantage. (Okay - more of a hometown advantage than either of her rivals would have.)
Anyway, I think it's incredibly cool that my blog ranks so highly in such interesting categories.
Of course, the really interesting discovery in the whole thing came this morning.
Drum roll, please.

I swear, I almost fell out of my chair from laughing so hard when I saw that for the first time. I started this blog as simply a way to share my thoughts on a whole multitude of issues.
Plus, it's nice that friends and family who no longer live in the Detroit area have a convenient way of keeping up with my life that doesn't involve me telling the exact same stories over and over again.
But this Jello wrestling thing really floors me.
It also makes me wonder what would happen if I were to organize a Jello wrestling match (here in Detroit or elsewhere) involving the three female celebrities that I have blogged about in the past year: Jessica Alba, Keira Knightley and Melissa Theuriau. Not only do I wonder what would happen to the traffic on this blog if I were to write about such a match, I also wonder who would win it.

Plus, something tells me that Melissa Theuriau wouldn't be a total push over herself. This, of course, would be especially true if this Parisian darling were wrestling in Detroit - the Paris of the Midwest. It would give her a bit of a hometown advantage. (Okay - more of a hometown advantage than either of her rivals would have.)
Anyway, I think it's incredibly cool that my blog ranks so highly in such interesting categories.