Matt's Blog on Metro Mode

One of my friends from Detroit Synergy, Matt Clayson, is a guest blogger for Metro Mode. His latest post makes the argument that if you're not living in the City of Detroit, you're basically just wasting your time.

I can't help feeling that he took his sentiment a tiny bit too far. After having been robbed three times in three years, and getting almost no response from the Detroit Police Department, I can certainly understand those who chose to support the city, but chose to live in the suburbs.

Armchair boosters and armchair advocates, is what Matt calls them.

No matter what, I'm sure that Matt's words will stimulate some interesting conversations around metro Detroit.

And that, afterall, is one of the great things about blogs. They get people talking about vital issues that tend to get forgotten by the mainstream media.

Oh, and he didn't mention it in his blog post, but Matt is one of those who doesn't just talk about something - he lives it. He was born in Grand Rapids. His wife came from Rochester Hills.

Both of them currently own a home and live within the Detroit city limits. They vote in city elections, pay city taxes and deal with city insurance rates. (Heck, I'm pretty sure that the neighbhood that they live in is one of those that the Mayor didn't target for special tax breaks.) In short, they put it all behind what they believe in.

Things like that make me proud to call them friends and to have done their wedding video.


fleurdetroit said…
Matt - Grand Rapids
Kim - Rochester Hills
Frank Nemecek said…
Thanks for the correction. I made the changes.
fleurdetroit said…
Frank you're the best!!!

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