Obamacare Woman Destroys America
The image above of the ObamaCare woman has been circulating across the interwebs. Quite frankly, I am mad as hell right now.
This woman is destroying America. Why couldn't she just get a second job at a local strip club if she really needed money for this so-called "operation"?
That, after all, is what a good, honest, hard-working American would do.
-miss m. turner
For Turner, her personal campaign has made her a bit of a target.
"This woman is destroying America," said a Voices in Frank's Head commenter. "Why couldn't she just get a second job at a local strip club if she really needed money for this so-called 'operation'? That, after all, is what a good, honest, hard-working American would do."
Rofl - someone needs to explain what sarcasm is to whoever wrote this article. They even have "This woman is destroying America" in big letters quoted from you down the side. LOL http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/28/politics/i-am-obamacare-turner/index.html